The Difference Between Split System Air Conditioners and Conventional Air Conditioners

When choosing an air conditioner for your house, you need to keep in mind several things like the ratings, brand, tonnage of the air conditioner etc. But the most crucial distinction even within this category is the one between split system air conditioners and conventional air conditioners. Understanding the difference between the two is essential to determine which type would satisfy your needs and requirements.

 What is a split system air conditioner?

What differentiates a split system air conditioner from a conventional air conditioner is that it contains two units that function together, thus dividing the parts of a conventional air conditioning system into two separate units. One is the 'inside' unit, while the other is known as the 'white box' or condensing/compressing unit, which is typically placed outside. The indoor unit is responsible for the components that distribute and filter, while the outdoor unit takes care of the condensing and compressing functions.

While conventional systems may have elaborate ducts, a split system connects these two parts merely using copper wiring. The copper wiring makes the overall split system air conditioner a more flexible option in many ways like in such a set up numerous indoor fans can be controlled using one outdoor unit. 

What is a conventional air conditioner?

The design of a conventional air conditioner incorporates both the indoor and outdoor units of a split system into one structure. This essentially implies that connecting pipes, compressing units, motors, and heat regulation devices are all placed in one unit. This structural difference between the two systems gives rise to various other dissimilarities that need to be considered while determining which system suits one's individual needs.

Presented below are the main differences between a split system air conditioner and a conventional air conditioner: 

  1. 1.Space requirements

Conventional air conditioners comprise one single unit containing all working components and hence need more space. The area of an entire window is required to house the conventional system. On the other hand, a split system air conditioner is more flexible because of its copper wiring the indoor unit can be installed on any part of any wall while installing the outdoor unit on the outside wall. 

  1. 2. Noise

A conventional air conditioner can get very loud as it is attached to a window frame. Both the inner blower and compressor responsible for the noise are present in a single unit inside the house. In a split system air conditioner, the entire system functions with no sound because of the division of the two units. The compressor is placed in the outer unit, making the system as a whole a comparatively less noisy one. 

  1. 3. Price

Typically, a conventional air conditioner is cheaper when compared to the split system air conditioner of the same tonnage. However the maintenance cost is less of the split system air conditioner because the parts are divided in 2 units rather than in 1. The servicing technician does not need to remove the entire system, they just need to work on the unit that requires attention. 

  1. 4. Efficiency and Cooling Capacity

There are high-rated split system air conditioners in the market that are known for their efficiency with amazing cooling capacity. Compared to the conventional air conditioners, the split system cools the room quicker.  


As highlighted above, these are some of the many structural and functional differences between a split system air conditioner and a conventional air conditioner. And hence choosing the correct one for an individual boils down to their specific budget and requirements. Therefore, understanding the differences between the two is the first step in making an informed choice.

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