Top Reasons to Go for Eyes Tests Regularly

People with proper vision often ask why they require an eye examination. The answer to this question is simple, i.e. eyes test intend to check the condition or health of your eyes to evaluate how well you can see. In this article, you will come to know about various aspects related to a regular eye examination and its role to improve your vision.

Period for Which You Should Go for Eyes Test

A proper appointment should be scheduled for a comprehensive eye examination at: 
  • Age of 6 months 
  • Age of 3 years 
  • Age of 5 years or 6 years, i.e. before entering the first grade and later on, at the period of every two years
  • Age of 18 years to 60 years for a period of every two years 
eyes test burwood
Eyes Test

When You Need Comprehensive Vision or Eyes Test

Comprehensive eyes test are of enormous significance for multiple reasons, which include:

1. Lets You See More Clearly

The eyesight of a person may change with time, and the individual often fails to recognize that he/she requires a stronger prescribed eyeglass. Instead, individuals often perceive that their spectacles are working just fine. However, the fact is that a small variation in the prescribed glass may alter the vision and help you see more clearly. Hence, a regular eye examination is a must for your eye health.

2. Detects a Few Common Eye/Vision Problems

Eye doctors conduct eye examinations to identify few the common vision/eye problems, such as cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal problems. Besides, you may experience blurry vision or your eyes may start feeling dry and dense during the day. Therefore, regular eyes test are required that can address such issues promptly.

3. Sets Up a Health Baseline

When you choose to schedule eyes test according to the instructions given by your eye doctor, you get a chance to set up a stable baseline for your eye tissues and thereby, your doctor may detect any vision-related change easily. In most of the cases, eye doctors recommend availing a benchmark for a comprehensive eye examination at the age of 40 years or even earlier.

4. Gateway to Detect Additional Health Issues

Along with varieties of the eye or vision-related problems, extensive eye tests are helpful in the detection of a few of the additional health issues. These include the following:

eyes test
Eyes Test

1. Hypertension

Blood vessels in the eyes of a person often exhibit kinks, bends, and tears, which indicate the problem of high BP or hypertension.

2. Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is responsible for causing many adverse effects in the small capillaries present in the eyes’ retina. These blood vessels may sometimes leak a yellow-colored fluid or blood, which eye doctors may identify quickly during an eye examination. If your eye doctor observes this type of condition, you might be suffering from diabetic retinopathy.

3. Hypo Thyroid or Hyper Thyroid Problems

Regardless of the fact that a person has hypothyroid or hyperthyroid, he or she will have protruding eyeballs and bulging eyes. In this situation, eye doctors conduct eye tests to detect whether the person is a patient of Grave’s disease or not.

4. High Cholesterol

The cornea of a human eye may have a yellow ring or yellowish appearance across it, which indicates the problem of high cholesterol. Also, eye doctors may detect the challenge of elevated cholesterol levels based on the formation of plaques within the retinal blood vessels.

5. Autoimmune Disorder

If a patient experiences the problem of eye inflammation, he/she may have Lupus or any other related autoimmune disorder.

6. Cancer

If your eye specialist notices any unusual eye structure, he may diagnose ocular melanoma, which develops within the cells responsible for producing eye pigmentation. Also, eye examination detects the presence of skin cancer, as basal cell carcinoma may appear on one’s eyelid and may spread to the human brain.

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