Melbourne is a capital city of Victoria state, and Victorian laws govern the entire city. But some local councils can have their own rules and regulations. But the primary requirements that are run in all the suburbs of
Victoria in relation with granny flats Melbourne are mentioned here:

- If you wish to use granny flats Melbourne as a dependent person unit, you don’t need a planning permit. A dependent can be someone who has a medical, economic or social disadvantage and is dependent on the owner of the property.
- You can also go for granny flats if you want a steady future investment. On the other hand, if you want to get rich quickly, then these flats are not for you.
- If you build your granny flat Melbourne on non-permanent materials and it is movable and shall be dismantled when the dependent leaves you will not need a permit.
- DPU is not the main dwelling on the property, but it is built on your property as a secondary dwelling for the person who is dependent on the primary residence. It can have a separate kitchen as well as the bathroom, but it will share the sewer and water services with the main dwelling.
- The best part of the granny flats is that they can be given on rent. You can customize and design your dream and increase the overall value of your property when you buy the granny flats. Consider their price after a gap of 10 years.
- You will have to take into consideration the regulations of the local councils while planning the granny flats in the state of Victoria.
- As per a few boards, the occupant of the building has to be named at the time of constructing DPU.
How to go for a permit when you plan to buy granny flats?
If you follow all the criteria mentioned above, you will not be required to take a planning permit for granny flats Melbourne. To ensure that you are following all the set rules and regulations, you should talk to your council's planning and building department and take necessary measures to avoid legal hassles. As per the rules of granny flats Melbourne you will have to remove the flat and dismantle it if your occupant leaves the house, but as per many councils they don’t monitor or enforce the removal, but it is essential to check with them first.
Can granny flats add value to your property?

If your council permits you to rent the flat outside your family, then granny flats can generate extra income. But as per the recent regulations it is not allowed to rent your granny flats. Thus it will not add any financial value.
But granny flat can solve many other issues by providing more space to live in your property. You can enjoy the support and comfort of your family while they can have their own space and privacy. Thus, a granny flat can enhance the value of relationships. Also, you can spend more quality time with your friends and relatives, as they can visit you during festive seasons and share the granny flats with you.
But before you do any planning and construction get in touch with your local council. Take their advice on planning and building your granny flat and then make sure you follow all the set rules. If you are not sure how to build the granny flat securely then taking the help of agents and companies who are in the business of dwelling and making such flats is a better alternative. They will ensure that you get the desired design, your own space, and the clearance of councils.