Smart Waste Management – The New Way Of Making A Smarter City

We are living in a world where the environment is deteriorating every day. One of the most essential requirements to create a smart city is to make a smart waste management system. This is mainly done to provide the human beings a better quality of life. Apart from the waste management, there are many other factors that form the important components of a smart city. For example:

  • Smart energy management
  • Smart security
  • Smart mobility,
  • Smart medical infrastructures
  • And smart home automation
Everyday a huge amount of waste products are produced by the humans whose volume have reached to kilo tones and are still increasing day by day. This increase in the volume of waste materials has become a paramount concern for all of us. At this crucial point of time, the smart waste management system has been developed to tackle the increasing problem of waste materials.

Smart Waste

Here the management system uses special devices such as smart dustbins for collecting the wastes and smart transportation automobiles for cleaning up the wastes with the help of robotic cleaners. These transportation vehicles have been connected with the dustbins through Wi-Fi. The whole system works on GPS and other software applications which guide the truck to reach the nearest smart dustbins.

Henceforth, the smart dustbins are placed underground to prevent the accumulation of waste near the working areas such as bill payments, ticket bookings etc. this helps to get rid of open as well as untreated wastes.

Features Of Smart Bins

These waste bins are:
  • Installed with sensors that notifies about the volume of waste materials collected in it.
  • Installed with solar panel that converts solar energy to electrical energy.
  • Resistant to external forces for superior protection.
  • Able to hold 8 times more wastes as compared to normal bins.

Benefits Of Using Smart Waste Management System

With the access of the said management system, you will avail the following benefits:

1. Saves your time and money - The use of smart bins and smart transportation vehicles, this system reduces the maintenance cost by 30% and helps to save our time and energy. The smart vehicles can themselves reach to the filled bins.

2. Decreases air pollution - Due to the reduction of waste materials on road, this system has helped in the deduction of traffic flow and noise on the road. This in turn has lowered the air pollution giving thumbs up to environment prevention.

3. Keeps the surrounding clean - This system is benefiting us by keeping the environment clean, green, healthy and beautiful and free from any kind of bad odor.

4. Reduces manpower - This system has reduced the manpower as the process of collecting the waste is done handles by the service operators and smart bins. Lesser requirement of man power means more work done in the same duration.

Drawbacks Of Smart Waste Management System

Besides having the above the mentioned benefits, this waste management system has few drawbacks too. Some of them are listed below:
  1. With the increase in population, the demand for the number of smart bins has also increased FPR or the filter performing rate, collecting the waste all over the city. Thus, resulting in high cost as these smart bins are quite expensive.
  2. Sensors are used in the smart bins have less memory capacity.
  3. The wireless connections in this service have a shorter range with a slow data speed.
  4. It has resulted in the deduction of manpower and hence has increased the rate of unemployment.
The advancement of technologies has led to many sensors and wireless connection options have been developed with improved features that can surely beat the above drawbacks. Thus, with the improved smart waste management system we can reduce the waste and make the city a smarter one. 

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